
Easymulti 60+ is more than just a multivitamin. It is a comprehensive formula that supports heart, joints, skin & eye health, blood glucose levels, immune function and energy production with potent antioxidants, curcumin, iron, iodine and healthy oils. Healthy Aging Protects your heart with CoQ10 Potent Antioxidants Supports Joints, Skin & Eyes Anti-Inflammatory Omega Absorb™ delivery system


Key Features
100 mg of CoQ10, 50 mg of Resveratrol, and Grape Seed Extract are potent antioxidants that help protect healthy cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
80 mg of Curcumin, the active compound in Turmeric, contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and inflammation in the body.
20 mg of Hyaluronic Acid to help maintain healthy bones, hair, skin & nails.
150 mcg of Iodine to support the function of the thyroid gland. Adults 60+ are recommended to reduce salt intake due to the risk of high blood pressure, stroke & kidney disease, which may lead to iodine deficiency.
8 mg of iron to help with iron deficiency anemia commonly known to cause tiredness and shortness of breath.
280 mg of Borage Seed Oil supports hormonal imbalances and helps lower cholesterol.

Special Instructions:
